je pisal... mojim perpetuum jazzile..
tkole gre pismo:
My name is David Paich. When I wrote Africa I never
dreamed of hearing such an innovative rendition.
All I can say is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am truly honored that you not only would
arrange a choir version of the song
but the time and effort into creating
I have NEVER received so many emails
from artists friends and colleagues
on a singular performance of a song.
My hats off to all of you.
I know my co-writer Jeff Porcaro
would have shared the same feelings.
I know my band TOTO does.
Again, thanks you for such a wonderful
gift.I would love to meet everyone sometime
soon and maybe work together.
3 komentarji:
Ej, super, res! Sem ravno danes slišala na VAL 202 o tem uspehu!
Superca in čestitke Perpetuum Jazzile!
Ko so meli v Križankah sound check za nastop BFM..sem sedel na stopnicah in gledal fotke v aparatu, nisem bil pozoren na to kaj se dogaja na odru, nisem vedel..ko je zagrmelo nisem pogledal na oder, ampak v luft, kje grmi :) Čisto hudo tole zveni...lepa priredbica...
Čestitke tvojim PJjevcem za tole..big one!
Ja sm vidla da so o tem govoril pr dnevniku...Supr too...=D
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