ponedeljek, maj 30, 2011


najljubse.. hvala, draga nada!


nas mali veseljak :-)

petek, maj 27, 2011



in 6. junija v krizankah... bravo!


prava popestritev ob finisiranju pisanja diplome...
bilo je NORO!

sreda, maj 25, 2011


diplome.. koncn mi spet gre..


in perpetuum jazzile vceraj.. bilo je carsko!!!!!!!!!

sreda, maj 18, 2011

nedelja, maj 15, 2011

chees fondue..

in dobra druzba..
hvala Vam..
lepo je bilo***


in karlovac..
kot pravi tina:
uvijek je pravo vrijeme za buc..
in danielci je skocila!
svaka cast!

torek, maj 10, 2011

pereptuum jazzile, koncert

prvic v krizankah,
24.05 ob 20:30
its a must!!!!! :-)

nedelja, maj 08, 2011

im tired..

Been thinking about you, your record's a hit
Your eyes are on my wall, your teeth are over there
But I'm still no-one, and you're not a star
What do you care?

Been thinking about you, and there's no rest

Shit, I still love you, still see you in bed
But I'm playing with myself, and what do you care
When the other men are far, far better

All the things you got

All the things you need
Who bought you cigarettes and bribed the company
To come and see you, honey

I've been thinking about you, so how can you sleep

These people aren't your friends, they're paid to kiss your feet
But they don't know what I know, and why should you care
When I'm not there

Been thinking about you, and there's no rest

Shit, I still love you, still see you in bed
But I'm playing with myself, what do you care
When I'm not there

All the things you got, you'll never need

All the things you've got, I bled and I bleed to please you

Been thinking about you...


četrtek, maj 05, 2011

ej, ur!

RES.. najlepsa hvala.. za RES najlepsi darilci ***

sreda, maj 04, 2011


nekako se pocutim danes...

torek, maj 03, 2011

hvala TI..

za vse.. ***

my dearest..

iz bakovcev :-)






v bakovcih..